العضوية الكاملة لفلسطين في الأمم المتحدة دونها «الفيتو» الأميركي

مجلس الأمن يستعد للتصويت على مشروع قرار قدمته الجزائر... المجموعة العربية تحض على التجاوب وسط ميل أوروبي إلى الاعتراف

المندوب دولة فلسطين المراقبة رياض منصور يصافح رئيسة مجلس الأمن للشهر الجاري المندوبة المالطية فانيسا فرايزر (صور الأمم المتحدة)
المندوب دولة فلسطين المراقبة رياض منصور يصافح رئيسة مجلس الأمن للشهر الجاري المندوبة المالطية فانيسا فرايزر (صور الأمم المتحدة)

العضوية الكاملة لفلسطين في الأمم المتحدة دونها «الفيتو» الأميركي

المندوب دولة فلسطين المراقبة رياض منصور يصافح رئيسة مجلس الأمن للشهر الجاري المندوبة المالطية فانيسا فرايزر (صور الأمم المتحدة)
المندوب دولة فلسطين المراقبة رياض منصور يصافح رئيسة مجلس الأمن للشهر الجاري المندوبة المالطية فانيسا فرايزر (صور الأمم المتحدة)

كررت الولايات المتحدة معارضتها القويّة لمنح فلسطين العضوية الناجزة في الأمم المتحدة، ما يوحي أنها قد تلجأ إلى استخدام حق النقض (الفيتو)، بعد ظهر الخميس أو الجمعة، إذا مضت الجزائر حتى النهاية في طلب التصويت على هذا الخطوة في مجلس الأمن، حيث يبدو أن الغالبية تميل إلى الموافقة مع توقع تصويت 11 دولة على الأقل لمصلحة القرار، وامتناع بريطانيا. ولا يزال موقف اليابان وكوريا الجنوبية غامضاً.

ويعقد أعضاء مجلس الأمن جلسة صباح الخميس على مستوى وزاري لإجراء المناقشات الشهرية المعتادة حول «الحالة في الشرق الأوسط، بما في ذلك المسألة الفلسطينية»، على أن يعقد جلسة علنية بعد الظهر (قد تتأجل إلى الجمعة) للتصويت على الطلب المتجدد الذي ورد في رسالة بعثها الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس إلى الأمين العام للمنظمة الدولية، أنطونيو غوتيريش، في 2 أبريل (نيسان) الماضي، لتجديد النظر في الطلب المقدم في 23 سبتمبر (أيلول) 2011 إلى الأمين العام السابق بان كي - مون للحصول على العضوية الكاملة في الأمم المتحدة.

وأحيل الطلب إلى رئيسة مجلس الأمن للشهر الحالي المندوبة المالطية الدائمة فانيسا فرازير، التي أحالته بدورها إلى لجنة قبول الأعضاء الجدد في المجلس.

وأكد دبلوماسيون لـ«الشرق الأوسط» أن الطلب الفلسطيني سيحصل للمرة الأولى على الأصوات التسعة المطلوبة لإحالة الطلب إلى الجمعية العامة. غير أن «الفيتو» الأميركي سيعطل هذه المحاولة على الأرجح.

رفض أميركي

المندوبة الأميركية لدى الأمم المتحدة ليندا توماس غرينفيلد خلال مؤتمر صحافي في سيول الأربعاء (أ.ب)

وظهر اعتراض إدارة الرئيس جو بايدن المتجدد بشكلين مختلفين داخل المنظمة الأممية؛ إذ صرحت المندوبة الأميركية الدائمة لدى الأمم المتحدة، ليندا توماس غرينفيلد، من سيول، حيث سألها صحافي عما إذا كانت الولايات المتحدة مستعدة لإقرار طلب السلطة الفلسطينية الحصول على العضوية الكاملة في الأمم المتحدة، فأجابت: «لا نرى أن الموافقة على قرار في مجلس الأمن سيوصلنا بالضرورة إلى مرحلة يمكننا أن نجد فيها أن حل الدولتين يمضي قدماً»، مضيفة أن الرئيس بايدن حازم في أن واشنطن تدعم حل الدولتين وتعمل على تحقيق ذلك في أقرب وقت ممكن. كما ظهر الاعتراض في المداولات التي أجرتها «لجنة قبول العضوية» التي ألّفها مجلس الأمن من أعضائه الـ15 الأسبوع الماضي للنظر في الطلب الفلسطيني. ولم تتمكن هذه اللجنة من الوصول إلى الإجماع الضروري من أجل دفع هذه العملية إلى الأمام. وجاء في تقرير اللجنة أنها «لم تتمكن من تقديم توصية بالإجماع»، بشأن ما إذا كان الطلب الفلسطيني يفي بالمعايير المطلوبة.

وسارع الناطق باسم الرئاسة الفلسطينية نبيل أبو ردينة إلى رفض تصريحات توماس غرينفيلد لأنها «لا ترقى إلى المواقف الأميركية التي تتحدث عن حل الدولتين وإقامة سلام عادل ودائم وفق قرارات الشرعية الدولية»، عادّاً أن «(الفيتو) يشكك في صدقية الولايات المتحدة نتيجة تراجعها المستمر عن تنفيذ وعودها وتبنيها المواقف الإسرائيلية المتهورة».

الموقف العربي

ورغم اعتراضات الولايات المتحدة، وزَّعت الجزائر، العضو العربي في المجلس، مشروع قرار قصير يهدف إلى قبول عضوية فلسطين. وهو ينص على الآتي: «إن مجلس الأمن، بعد دراسة طلب دولة فلسطين للقبول في الأمم المتحدة، يوصي الجمعية العامة بقبول عضوية دولة فلسطين في الأمم المتحدة». وتعتزم الدول العربية الذهاب إلى الجمعية العامة أولاً لمناقشة «الفيتو» الأميركي، ومن ثم التصويت على مشروع قرار مشابه للغاية ذاتها، فيما يمكن أن يُظهر عزلة الولايات المتحدة مجدداً على الساحة الدولية.

سفراء المجموعة العربية لدى الأمم المتحدة (صور الأمم المتحدة)

ولهذه الغاية، أصدرت البعثة السعودية الدائمة لدى الأمم المتحدة بياناً بصفتها رئيسة المجموعة العربية حالياً، بياناً بعد اجتماع السفراء العرب يفيد بأن المجموعة «تواصل جهودها للعمل البناء مع مجلس الأمن في تأدية واجباته في صون الأمن والسلم الدوليين، خصوصاً واجباته حيال دولة فلسطين والشعب الفلسطيني، عبر التعبير عن الدعم الثابت لطلب دولة فلسطين العضوية الكاملة في الأمم المتحدة»، مؤكدة أن هذه «الخطوة التي طال انتظارها كان يجب القيام بها ليس فقط منذ عام 2011، بل منذ عام 1948».

ودعا البيان «كل أعضاء مجلس الأمن إلى التصويت لمصلحة مشروع القرار الذي قدمته الجزائر نيابة عن المجموعة العربية وبدعم من دول في كل مناطق العالم»، مؤكداً أنه «على الأقل، نناشد أعضاء المجلس عدم عرقلة هذه المبادرة الحرجة».

وأكدت المجموعة العربية أن «عضوية الأمم المتحدة خطوة حيوية في الاتجاه الصحيح نحو تسوية عادلة ودائمة للقضية الفلسطينية، بما يتسق مع القانون الدولي وقرارات مجلس الأمن ذات الصلة»، مشددة على أن «الوقت حان لتمكين الشعب الفلسطيني بشكل تام من ممارسة كل حقوقه المشروعة على الساحة الدولية كخطوة مهمة في اتجاه إقرار حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني وتحقيق الإجماع الدولي على حل الدولتين على خطوط 4 يونيو (حزيران) 1967». ورأت أن «إنكار المكانة الصحيحة لفلسطين بين مجموعة الأمم قد تأخر كثيراً»، مضيفة أن «الوقت حان لتصحيح هذا الخطأ والوفاء بالحقوق غير القابلة للتصرف للشعب الفلسطيني بتقرير مصيره، وسيادته، ودولته». وحضت مجلس الأمن على «الاستجابة لدعوة المجتمع الدولي والموافقة على طلب عضوية فلسطين من دون أي تأخير إضافي».

الاعتراف أوروبياً

ومن بين العقبات التي تقف أمامها التوسع في المستوطنات الإسرائيلية. وخلافاً لهذا التوجه، قال المندوب الإسرائيلي لدى الأمم المتحدة جلعاد إردان إن السلطة الفلسطينية لم تستوفِ المعايير المطلوبة لإقامة الدولة.

وحتى الآن، اعترفت 137 من الدول الـ193 الأعضاء في الأمم المتحدة بدولة فلسطين. غير أن هذا العدد يرجح أن يزيد وسط ملامح موافقة العديد من الدول الأوروبية على القيام بمثل هذه الخطوة.

وأفاد رئيس الوزراء الإسباني بيدرو سانشيز الثلاثاء بأنه ينبغي الاعتراف بالدولة الفلسطينية المستقلة في أسرع وقت ممكن. وقال إن «إسبانيا ستسعى جاهدة لكي تصير فلسطين عضواً كامل العضوية في الأمم المتحدة».

ووقَّعت إسبانيا وإيرلندا ومالطا وسلوفينيا في أواخر مارس (آذار) الماضي بياناً مشتركاً أعربت فيه عن استعدادها للاعتراف بالدولة الفلسطينية، عندما يمكن لهذه الخطوة أن «تقدم مساهمة إيجابية وتكون الظروف مناسبة».

وأعلنت سلوفينيا أن «السؤال الرئيسي: متى تعترف بفلسطين (...) ليس إذا، ولكن متى».

مقالات ذات صلة

What's Next for Iran's Government after Death of its President in Helicopter Crash?

Features The Iranian flag is seen flying over a street in Tehran, Iran, February 1, 2023. Majid Asgaripour/WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights

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Arab World This handout satellite image courtesy of Maxar Technologies shows tents and shelters for Palestinians displaced by the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas at the Mawasi camp near Rafah in the south of the Palestinian territory on May 15, 2024. (Photo by Satellite image 2024 Maxar Technologies / AFP)

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What's Next for Iran's Government after Death of its President in Helicopter Crash?

The Iranian flag is seen flying over a street in Tehran, Iran, February 1, 2023. Majid Asgaripour/WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights
The Iranian flag is seen flying over a street in Tehran, Iran, February 1, 2023. Majid Asgaripour/WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights

What's Next for Iran's Government after Death of its President in Helicopter Crash?

The Iranian flag is seen flying over a street in Tehran, Iran, February 1, 2023. Majid Asgaripour/WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights
The Iranian flag is seen flying over a street in Tehran, Iran, February 1, 2023. Majid Asgaripour/WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights

The death of Iran's president is unlikely to lead to any immediate changes in Iran's ruling system or to its overarching policies, which are decided by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

But Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash Sunday, was seen as a prime candidate to succeed the 85-year-old supreme leader, and his death makes it more likely that the job could eventually go to Khamenei's son, The AP reported.

A hereditary succession would pose a potential crisis of legitimacy for the Islamic Republic, which was established as an alternative to monarchy but which many Iranians already see as a corrupt and dictatorial regime. Here's a look at what comes next.


Iran holds regular elections for president and parliament with universal suffrage.

But the supreme leader has final say on all major policies, serves as commander-in-chief of the armed forces and controls the powerful Revolutionary Guard.

The supreme leader also appoints half of the 12-member Guardian Council, a clerical body that vets candidates for president, parliament and the Assembly of Experts, an elected body of jurists in charge of choosing the supreme leader.

In theory, the clerics oversee the republic to ensure it complies with Islamic law. In practice, the supreme leader carefully manages the ruling system to balance competing interests, advance his own priorities and ensure that no one challenges the Islamic Republic or his role atop it.

Raisi, a hard-liner who was seen as a protege of Khamenei, was elected president in 2021 after the Guardian Council blocked any other well-known candidate from running against him, and turnout was the lowest in the history of the Islamic Republic. He succeeded Hassan Rouhani, a relative moderate who had served as president for the past eight years and defeated Raisi in 2017.

After Raisi's death, in accordance with Iran's constitution, Vice President Mohammad Mokhber, a relative unknown, became caretaker president, with elections mandated within 50 days. That vote will likely be carefully managed to produce a president who maintains the status quo.

That means Iran will continue to impose some degree of Islamic rule and crack down on dissent. It will enrich uranium, support armed groups across the Middle East and view the West with deep suspicion.


Presidents come and go, some more moderate than others, but each operates under the structure of the ruling system.

If any major change occurs in Iran, it is likely to come after the passing of Khamenei, when a new supreme leader will be chosen for only the second time since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Khamenei succeeded the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khomeini, in 1989.

The next supreme leader will be chosen by the 88-seat Assembly of Experts, who are elected every eight years from candidates vetted by the Guardian Council. In the most recent election, in March, Rouhani was barred from running, while Raisi won a seat.

Any discussion of the succession, or machinations related to it, occur far from the public eye, making it hard to know who may be in the running. But the two people seen by analysts as most likely to succeed Khamenei were Raisi and the supreme leader's own son, Mojtaba, 55, a Shiite cleric who has never held government office.


Leaders of the Islamic Republic going back to the 1979 revolution have portrayed their system as superior.

The transfer of power from the supreme leader to his son could spark anger, not only among Iranians who are already critical of clerical rule, but supporters of the system who might see it as un-Islamic.

Western sanctions linked to the nuclear program have devastated Iran's economy. And the enforcement of Islamic rule, which grew more severe under Raisi, has further alienated women and young people.

The Islamic Republic has faced several waves of popular protests in recent years, most recently after the 2022 death of Mahsa Amini, who had been arrested for allegedly not covering her hair in public. More than 500 people were killed and over 22,000 were detained in a violent crackdown.

Raisi's death may make the transition to a new supreme leader trickier, and it could spark more unrest.







CENTOM: More Than 569 Tons of Aid Delivered Across Floating Pier Into Gaza

This handout satellite image courtesy of Maxar Technologies shows tents and shelters for Palestinians displaced by the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas at the Mawasi camp near Rafah in the south of the Palestinian territory on May 15, 2024. (Photo by Satellite image 2024 Maxar Technologies / AFP)
This handout satellite image courtesy of Maxar Technologies shows tents and shelters for Palestinians displaced by the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas at the Mawasi camp near Rafah in the south of the Palestinian territory on May 15, 2024. (Photo by Satellite image 2024 Maxar Technologies / AFP)

CENTOM: More Than 569 Tons of Aid Delivered Across Floating Pier Into Gaza

This handout satellite image courtesy of Maxar Technologies shows tents and shelters for Palestinians displaced by the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas at the Mawasi camp near Rafah in the south of the Palestinian territory on May 15, 2024. (Photo by Satellite image 2024 Maxar Technologies / AFP)
This handout satellite image courtesy of Maxar Technologies shows tents and shelters for Palestinians displaced by the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas at the Mawasi camp near Rafah in the south of the Palestinian territory on May 15, 2024. (Photo by Satellite image 2024 Maxar Technologies / AFP)

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) said on Tuesday more than 569 metric tons of humanitarian assistance has been delivered so far across a temporary floating pier to Gaza, but not all the aid has reached warehouses.

Aid deliveries began arriving at a US-built pier on Friday as Israel comes under growing global pressure to allow more supplies into the besieged coastal enclave, Reuters reported.

The UN said that 10 truckloads of food aid - transported from the pier site by UN contractors - were received on Friday at a World Food Program warehouse in Deir El Balah in Gaza.

But on Saturday, only five truckloads made it to the warehouse after 11 others were cleaned out by Palestinians during the journey through an area that a UN official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said has been hard to access with humanitarian aid.

The UN did not receive any aid from the pier on Sunday or Monday.

AI-intensive Sectors are Showing Productivity Surge, PwC says

AI (Artificial Intelligence) letters and robot hand miniature in this illustration taken, June 23, 2023. (Reuters)
AI (Artificial Intelligence) letters and robot hand miniature in this illustration taken, June 23, 2023. (Reuters)

AI-intensive Sectors are Showing Productivity Surge, PwC says

AI (Artificial Intelligence) letters and robot hand miniature in this illustration taken, June 23, 2023. (Reuters)
AI (Artificial Intelligence) letters and robot hand miniature in this illustration taken, June 23, 2023. (Reuters)

The types of business which are most likely to use artificial intelligence are seeing growth in workers' productivity that is almost five times faster than elsewhere, raising hopes for a boost to the broader economy, accountancy firm PwC said.

Productivity in professional and financial services and in information technology grew by 4.3% between 2018 and 2022 compared with gains of 0.9% across construction, manufacturing and retail, food and transport, PwC said.

The data suggested that the rise of artificial intelligence could help countries to break out of a rut of low productivity growth which would boost economic growth, wages and living standards, PwC said in a report published on Tuesday, Reuters reported.

Carol Stubbings, leader of PwC Global Markets and Tax & Legal Services, said highly productive sectors had faster growth in job ads for people with AI skills than without, suggesting AI played a role in these sectors' higher productivity.

The trend of productivity growth generated by the technology was likely to accelerate as companies increasingly deployed generative AI which can be used by non-AI specialists, she said.

"The challenge with AI, and particularly generative AI, is the speed of the change," Stubbings said.

Last week the head of the International Monetary Fund Kristalina Georgieva said AI was hitting the global labour market "like a tsunami" and was likely to have an impact on 60% of jobs in advanced economies in the next two years.

The PwC report tracked and analysed over half a billion job ads from 15 rich countries and used data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

It said jobs that require AI skills - including AI-specialist and non-specialist roles - carried a average premium of 25% in the US and 14% in Britain.

Samsung Electronics Picks Veteran Executive to Tackle 'Chip Crisis' amid AI Boom

A Samsung sign is displayed, during the GSMA's 2023 Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, Spain March 1, 2023. (Reuters)
A Samsung sign is displayed, during the GSMA's 2023 Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, Spain March 1, 2023. (Reuters)

Samsung Electronics Picks Veteran Executive to Tackle 'Chip Crisis' amid AI Boom

A Samsung sign is displayed, during the GSMA's 2023 Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, Spain March 1, 2023. (Reuters)
A Samsung sign is displayed, during the GSMA's 2023 Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, Spain March 1, 2023. (Reuters)

Samsung Electronics has replaced the chief of its semiconductor division to help the group overcome a "chip crisis", amid a booming market for AI chips where analyst say the world's biggest memory chipmaker lags peers.

The South Korean manufacturer on Tuesday said it has appointed Young Hyun Jun, effective immediately, moving him from the role as head of its future business planning unit.

Jun previously led Samsung's memory chip department after working on the development of DRAM and flash memory chips.

The move is likely aimed at catching up in the market for top-end chips used in artificial intelligence (AI) such as high bandwidth memory (HBM) chips where Samsung has fallen behind rivals such as SK Hynix, analysts said, Reuters reported.

"This is a preemptive measure to strengthen future competitiveness by renewing the atmosphere internally and externally," Samsung Electronics said in a statement.

The firm said Jun, a former chief executive at battery arm Samsung SDI and former executive at Samsung Electronics' memory chip business, would help overcome the "chip crisis" with his management know-how.

Replacing such a high-ranking position in the middle of the year is unusual, given most personnel changes at Samsung normally take place in the beginning of the year, analysts said.

Current chip division chief Kye Hyun Kyung will succeed Jun as head of the future business unit.

"The chip division has been lagging in competitiveness on various fronts. It also missed a lot of the global AI upward trend," said analyst Lee Min-hee at BNK Investment & Securities.

Oil Prices Fall on Fear of High US Interest Rates Depressing Demand

The sun is seen behind a crude oil pump jack in the Permian Basin in Loving County, Texas, US, November 22, 2019. REUTERS/Angus Mordant
The sun is seen behind a crude oil pump jack in the Permian Basin in Loving County, Texas, US, November 22, 2019. REUTERS/Angus Mordant

Oil Prices Fall on Fear of High US Interest Rates Depressing Demand

The sun is seen behind a crude oil pump jack in the Permian Basin in Loving County, Texas, US, November 22, 2019. REUTERS/Angus Mordant
The sun is seen behind a crude oil pump jack in the Permian Basin in Loving County, Texas, US, November 22, 2019. REUTERS/Angus Mordant

Oil prices fell in early Asian trade on Tuesday, with investors anticipating higher-for-longer US inflation and interest rates will depress consumer and industrial demand.

Brent crude futures declined 12 cents, or 0.1%, to $83.34 a barrel by 0041 GMT. U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude (WTI) eased 8 cents, or 0.1%, to $79.72 a barrel.

Both benchmarks fell less than 1% on Monday as US Federal Reserve officials said they were awaiting more signs of slowing inflation before considering interest rate cuts, Reuters reported.

"Fears of weaker demand led to selling as the prospect of Fed rate cut became more distant," said analyst Toshitaka Tazawa at Fujitomi Securities.

Fed Vice Chair Philip Jefferson said on Monday it was too early to tell if the inflation slowdown is "long lasting," while Vice Chair Michael Barr said restrictive policy needs more time. Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic said it will "take a while" for the central bank to be confident that price growth slowdown is sustainable.

Lower interest rates reduce borrowing costs, freeing up funds which could boost economic growth and demand for oil.

Saudi Sports for All Federation Delegation Meets with Greek Sports Executives

The Saudi Sports for All Federation (SFA) concludes visit to Athens, Greece - SPA
The Saudi Sports for All Federation (SFA) concludes visit to Athens, Greece - SPA

Saudi Sports for All Federation Delegation Meets with Greek Sports Executives

The Saudi Sports for All Federation (SFA) concludes visit to Athens, Greece - SPA
The Saudi Sports for All Federation (SFA) concludes visit to Athens, Greece - SPA

The Saudi Sports for All Federation (SFA) concluded a visit to Athens, Greece, from May 7 to 10. The visit focused on exchanging expertise, exploring international best practices in community sports, and learning about popular sports facilities and effective techniques for promoting sports participation.oard of Directors, and Executive Director Shaima Saleh Al-Husseini, met with the Greek Minister of Education, Religious Af
The federation delegation, led by Prince Khalid bin Alwaleed bin Talal, Chairman of the Bfairs, and Sports, Jiannis Frutis, and the Secretary General for Sports Affairs, George Mavrotas.

Discussions covered governance, the role of sports in promoting mental health and quality of life, and the unveiling of the "Kouros" platform, a unique digital tool that tracks sports participation and performance data. This platform aids in data-driven decision-making and talent development across 63 federations. The Greek team also reviewed financial incentives for sports clubs and innovative community sports programs, SPA reported.
The delegation also met with the Mayor of Athens, Haris Doukas, and his team to discuss the importance of community sports policies and initiatives. The Greek side highlighted efforts to reduce car usage and encourage cycling and other means of transportation. Plans for international events, including the "Tour of Hellas," were discussed to activate cycling trails and promote cultural exchanges among community members.
On the last day of the visit, the SFA delegation toured the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, the Peace and Friendship Stadium, and the Athens Olympic Museum to explore and transfer international best practices to the Kingdom.

Tickets for Whittaker vs. Chimaev at UFC's First Event in Saudi Arabia Now on Sale

Tickets for Whittaker vs. Chimaev at UFC's First Event in Saudi Arabia Now on Sale

Tickets for Whittaker vs. Chimaev at UFC's First Event in Saudi Arabia Now on Sale

Tickets for Whittaker vs. Chimaev at UFC's First Event in Saudi Arabia Now on Sale

The capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, is set to host the first event for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), the world's premier mixed martial arts organization, on June 22. The main fight will be between Australian Robert Whittaker and Russian Khamzat Chimaev, SPA reported.
Tickets for the event are available to the public through the webook platform.
Former middleweight champion Robert Whittaker (26-7-0) is returning to the octagon to continue his winning streak in the highly anticipated matchup at the Kingdom Arena in Riyadh against Khamzat Chimaev. Whittaker, a professional mixed martial artist since 2009, has left a significant mark on the sport, becoming the UFC middleweight champion at UFC 213. He most recently defeated Brazil's Paulo Costa at UFC 298.
Chimaev (13-0-0) is looking to maintain his undefeated record and continue his rise in the middleweight rankings as a rising star. He has achieved six wins by knockout, five by submission, and eight wins in the first round.
As part of the UFC's inaugural event in the Kingdom, fans will witness an exhilarating showdown in the octagon as Russia's Sergei Pavlovich (18-2) faces compatriot Alexander Volkov (37-10) in a clash of heavyweight titans.

Saudi National Team Participates in World Youth Weightlifting Championships in Peru

Saudi National Team Participates in World Youth Weightlifting Championships in Peru

Saudi National Team Participates in World Youth Weightlifting Championships in Peru

Saudi National Team Participates in World Youth Weightlifting Championships in Peru

The Saudi weightlifting team will participate in the World Youth Weightlifting Championship Under 17, which will be held in Lima, Peru, from May 22-26, 2024. The championship will be attended by 284 weightlifters, representing 51 countries.
The team's weightlifters set up a preparatory camp for 33 days in Morocco before heading to Peru to participate in the tournament.

Head of the Saudi mission, Mohamed Al-Harbi, stressed the keenness of the Saudi Arabian Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Federation to prepare the players physically and psychologically for the tournament, by establishing such camps.

The federation aims to prepare a promising generation that competes on continental, global and Olympic platforms.

Saudi Karate Team Wins 5 Medals in World Youth League Championship in Spain

File photo of Saudi Arabia's flag.
File photo of Saudi Arabia's flag.

Saudi Karate Team Wins 5 Medals in World Youth League Championship in Spain

File photo of Saudi Arabia's flag.
File photo of Saudi Arabia's flag.

The Saudi karate team concluded participation in the World Youth League Championship of the International Karate Federation, SPA reported.

The event featured the categories of U-14, juniors, youth, and Olympic, and was held in Acrona, Spain May 16 to 19.
The Saudi team won five medals, including gold, silver, and three bronze, across various categories in martial-arts competitions.

GCC Sec-Gen Affirms Support to All International Efforts to Achieve Stability in Yemen

Meeting between the Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary General to Yemen - SPA
Meeting between the Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary General to Yemen - SPA

GCC Sec-Gen Affirms Support to All International Efforts to Achieve Stability in Yemen

Meeting between the Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary General to Yemen - SPA
Meeting between the Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary General to Yemen - SPA

The Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi, stressed that the GCC countries support all international efforts that contribute to achieving security, stability, development and peace in Yemen.
This came during his meeting with the Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary General to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, at the Secretariat General's headquarters in Riyadh.
During the meeting, they reviewed the latest developments in Yemen, and several issues of common interest.

The discussions focused on the firm position of the Cooperation Council regarding supporting legitimacy in Yemen and ending the Yemeni crisis by reaching a political solution in accordance with the three terms of reference: the Gulf Initiative and its executive mechanism, the outcomes of the comprehensive National Dialogue Conference (NDC), and Security Council Resolution 2216.
Albudaiwil also reaffirmed the statements made by the Supreme Council of the GCC in its 44th session held in Doha in December 2023. These statements included full support for the Presidential Leadership Council headed by Dr. Rashad Muhammad Al Alimi and the entities supporting him to achieve security and stability in Yemen.